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Summer Fun
Sponsored by UMKC Staff Council

Lunch Menu by

Do NOT throw away your plate.
For All You Can Eat,
You need to keep that one plate.
We are charged per plate that is actually used.

Lunch will be served inside Pierson and seating is available both indoors and outside!

All utensils will be compostable, and disposal serviced by Missouri Organics!

Recycle Bins will be on hand for all other items!

Grilled Chicken Breasts, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Veggie Burgers and Buns

Ketchup, Mustard, Mayo and BBQ Sauce Served in Pump Bottles, so there's no waste 

Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions and Cheese Slices

Corn Cobs and Green Beans

Pink Lemonade and Water

Lunch will be served inside Pierson and seating is available both indoors and outside! All utensils will be compostable, and disposal serviced by Missouri Organics! Recycle Bins will be on hand for all other items!
Vendor sales go directly to the Vendor.
Sales by the Service Projects committee go directly to the identified organizations.
Raffle sales will support the UMKC Staff Council General Operating Fund unless otherwise stated.
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