University of Missouri-Kansas City
Western Chapter M.S.P.E.

Order of the Engineer's Link 193
at the School of Computing & Engineering


Explore the Official Website at

  • If you are a Senior Undergraduate student and within 2 Semesters of Graduation or less!

  • If you are a Graduate of an ABET accredited Engineering Program!

  • If you are a Practicing Engineer!

You are invited to join the
Order of the Engineer Link No. 193
and receive your Engineer's Ring &
"Obligation of the Engineer" Certificate!

Fill out and submit the
Application for Participation!!
It's in Adobe PDF and allows you to enter your information, then print.

Click here for the Order of the Engineer's
Information Brochure
It's in Adobe PDF as well for printing.

The Order of the Engineer is a roster of engineers in the United States who have undergone the Ring Ceremony and have accepted the "Obligation of the Engineer"
See a History of our Inductions

There are no yearly dues or meetings, just the initial $35.00 for the Stainless Steel Ring and Certificate.

Ring Ceremonies will be held annually during National Engineer's Week.
If you submit and pay, but miss your intended ceremony,
your application, ring, and fee will be held for the next ceremony.

The Next Ceremony is:

Exact Day To Be Determined

Deadline to Apply:
As Soon As Possible

Applications must be received by these deadlines so that ring sizes may be ordered and arrive on time!

Ring Size:

  • You can have your finger sized at any jewelers willing to do it.

  • If you are on campus at UMKC, then there is a Ring Sizer with Selena Albert, 352 Flarsheim Hall.

  • There are some websites that provide instructions on how to measure your finger such as Blue Nile, or with information on judging your best fit at JewelryGenious.

  • Don't forget : it's the little finger of your working hand, so if you're right handed, it's your right hand little finger.

For any Questions or Concerns Contact : Selena Albert

Civil & Mechanical Engineering Dept
UMKC School of Computing & Engineering
352 Flarsheim, 5100 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, Missouri 64110-2499
Primary Contact:
Mark F. McClernon, Ph. D., P.E.
Department Chair and Associate Professor
Phone: (816) 235-5550
Fax: (816) 235-1260
Secondary Contact:
Selena Albert,
Administrative Assistant

Phone: (816) 235-5268
Fax: (816) 235-1260
Spring 2009 Induction : February 20, 2009
Spring 2008 Induction : May 2, 2008
Fall 2007 Induction : December 14, 2007
Spring 2007 Induction : April 27, 2007
Fall 2006 Induction : December 8, 2006
Spring 2006 Induction : April 28, 2006
Fall 2005 Induction : December 16, 2005
Spring 2005 Induction : April 8, 2005
Fall 2004 Induction : November 18, 2004
Spring 2004 Induction : April 23, 2004
Spring 2003 Induction : April 22, 2003
Charter Induction : December 11, 2002